Do The Work

Do The Work

I’ve Got Something To Say


Do The Work

Have you ever sat down and had a conversation with yourself about what really matters most in your life? Have you had this nagging feeling that you are supposed to be doing more with your time talent and interests? What I really mean is — are you following hard after your passion. I have decided not to allow life to “do me,” rather I am going to “do life.” Many of us have incredible gifts and talents but never have mustered up the courage to step out on faith.

We have grown accustomed to “microwave” thinking, and all the proverbial overnight success stories. Regardless of what those late-night infomercials say, you won’t be a real estate tycoon in just 30 days and no matter how many “Powerball” tickets we buy, most of us will never be instant millionaires. I am not a proponent at all of the “prosperity gospel” movement but I firmly believe that whatever we do in life we should bring God Glory. Our being successful in our chosen profession and or calling accomplishes just that. We just need to remember that it is God that gives us the power to get wealth. Please read Deuteronomy 8:1-18.

The truth is, I have learned that success and greatness come from hard work. What I mean is that there is no magic formula or secret plan or ship coming in. Most of the people we admire that are successful are very disciplined and what we are viewing is the result of that discipline. What we don’t see is the countless hours they’ve spent failing and trying again. We don’t see the thousands of hours of their consistently doing the mundane, uneventful and even unrewarding things to perfect their craft.

So my friend I need you to respect “your vision” and the talent and gifts that have been placed within you and “do the work” I am learning that small good habits over time will bring extraordinarily good results. I have begun my journey, will you begin yours today.